Barbara Olwig Principal Firestarter

Barbara Olwig
Principal Firestarter

Your brand is more than your logo. Much more.

Your logo visually represents your business. But your brand story defines your business – your premise, purpose and promise. A brand story shares “why” you’re in business, not just “what” your business is. And why is that important? Because businesses run on trust. If people don’t know you, how can they trust that you’ll deliver for them?

Your brand story is more than the “About Us” section on your website – which is basically the equivalent of a list of ingredients. Your brand story is the narrative that folds together the facts and the feelings about your product or service. It’s the secret sauce that inspires an emotional reaction. Because people buy from their gut, not their head. Always.

And what’s the icing on the cake? Remember the trust factor? A fully-baked brand story is how you get there. (Final cooking analogy. I promise.)

A powerful brand story can generate powerful results, engaging loyal consumers who go on to become your brand ambassadors. It also serves as your company’s moral compass, helping you and your employees stay aligned with your organization’s core values.

Think about the following as you begin to outline your brand story:

  1. YOUR PURPOSE: Why are you in business? What’s your reason for being? What values do you bring to your customers? Purpose is a bedrock that won’t change over time, even as your business grows.

  2. YOUR UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION: What sets you apart from your competitors? What need are you filling for your target customer? You may be selling the same widget as your competition, but why would I buy from you?

  3. YOUR VOICE: What’s your personality? Assign your brand an adjective or two and build your voice from there. Are you edgy and humorous or factual and serious? Your voice should ring true across all touchpoints. 

  4. YOUR STORY ARC: Think about this from a human – not a product – perspective. What challenge is your customer facing? What’s the impact of that challenge? How do you then resolve your customer’s dilemma? Ta da ... a happy ending! 

Ultimately, your business growth will come down to your ability to articulate and share your brand story. Consumers want to do business with companies who they feel share their values and deserve their hard-earned dollars. It all goes back to that issue of trust.

At a loss for words? Firebrand Creative will help you craft them.